Laura’s Substack ~ Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion!
Laura’s Substack ~ Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion! Podcast
Your Art Is Your Story…. Here’s Mine!

Your Art Is Your Story…. Here’s Mine!

Podcast Episode 10 ~ Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion

Hello & Welcome back to “Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion”! Podcast Episode 10.  A place for Home & Wardrobe Inspiration. My name is Laura and I’m a certified Feng Shui Practitioner, Curator and Stylist for you and your Space. New Episodes drop every Sunday Morning. Subscribe for weekly tips on mindful dressing and decorating! This hybrid Podcast & Newsletter originates on Substack where you can follow me for all the visuals, text and video. My stories about Feng Shui & Fashion are told in part through pictures and visuals in the body of my newsletters here on Substack. So if you’re listening on Spotify or ITunes, you can subscribe for free on Substack. For all my other content and services check out my Link-tree.


Are you a seeker? I have always been someone who was a seeker. However, it’s not easy searching for answers while also questioning everything. That’s the tightrope I walk. Secretly wishing for deep revelations but questioning what’s real. The truth is that in my search for spiritual enlightenment, I have come across grifters and charlatans but have also met and experienced the divinely gifted and blessed. My heart and trust has been both broken and redeemed. This is life. I’ll say this be aware of false profits. You might find that it’s you who actually holds the truth inside. We all have a direct line of communication with the divine. Maybe it’s in your dreams or deep in meditation. Perhaps it’s under hypnosis or as I discovered, through plant medicine. It’s all of the above really! Don’t give up. Remember your magic…

During a Shamanic Plant Medicine experience back in 2021, I was shown a past life in Egypt as a queen! There was a lot of sand and I couldn’t shut up about it during the “journey”. So much sand and Cat hieroglyphics and what not. Fast forward to May of this year 2024. Imagine my delight when I came across these Egyptian head busts pictured above. I was walking home one night and they were just sitting there on the sidewalk a couple houses from mine! Here in LA some people toss out furniture and house wares and leave them on the sidewalk for passersby’s to take. It’s like a garage sale but free and on the sidewalk. I of course took this as a sign and brought these Egyptian Busts home. So this may sound a bit out there but during the “journey” I was specifically told I had been Nefertiti who was an Egyptian Queen and wife of the Pharaoh Akhenaten. I swear to god I didn’t know who either of them were! I had to look Nefertiti up after the “journey.” I know how woo and pretentious this sounds. That said these busts turned out to be heavy Bronze Replicas of Nefertiti and her husband Akhenaten. Coincidence? I mean talk about punctuating a point with a physical sign. The foreshadowing of the “journey” and the arrival of the busts was not lost on me. What a blessing! They are currently residing the Love Gua of my bedroom. This is the area of my bedroom that represents my love life. It’s in the far back right corner of the room. I have an altar there where the Love gua of my bedroom meets the Prosperity Gua of my home. Feng Shui can get really interesting folks. It’s a physical language with plenty of symbolism and metaphor. It’s fun. There can be paradox and yes Love and Money themes can merge and they do in my bedroom. I thought how Nefertiti & Akhenaten where a royal couple who reigned together. They symbolize both love and wealth beautifully so why not create an altar with them. Think power couple. That’s the vibe. The Art found me and I am honoring it.


On my very first Shamanic Plant Medicine Journey back in 2020, I experienced an intense Virgin Mary download. FYI she wasn’t the only deity I experienced on that journey… My spiritual influences are not limited to one religion or culture. In fact I’m a practicing Buddhist who is a quarter Jew and raised Catholic. For the purposes of this story and how the art found me, I’m sharing my Virgin Mary experience.

Mary’s presence came through during a rather harrowing first plant medicine journey. I had a rather traumatic super premature cesarean birth and I was brought back to that experience during the journey and how that impacted the dynamic between my mother and I. I knew I was not planned so I could feel her resentment of me. It was like I crashed a party I wasn’t invited to. The brutal bloody birth experience was a lot to revisit and it was heartbreaking. As a baby, I did not feel welcomed, loved or embraced. Mary came to comfort and assure me of HER love for me. Mary made me feel special and like I was born for a reason. That was my big question going into that journey. Why am I here and what are my spiritual gifts? Guess what she said? Feng Shui! At the time I had strayed from my Feng Shui practice in part because of Covid and other professional and financial distractions. She wanted me to go back to focusing on Feng Shui and stop doing the draining work I was doing. You are the Feng Shui Lady ®️ she insisted! She told me to bring my gifts to a wider audience with a tv show. I told her I didn’t know how to extricate myself from the business I was running at the time and she promised help was on the way. After that journey I headed her advice and took the steps necessary to let go of the professional distractions I had become tied up with. Just as promised, I was able to unburden myself from the professional and financial obligations I felt so trapped by at the time. Miraculous solutions appeared and I was finally free to lean back into Feng Shui.

Last night on 8/18/24 was a full moon and I was doing a late night load of laundry when I came across 3 Pieces of Art on the floor by the basement garbage depicting Mary!!! A Trifecta of Mary’s was just sitting there waiting for me. One of them is a Mexican incarnation of her called OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE. She has bright beams of sunlight shining all around her with a bright red background and she’s wearing a gold crown. You can literally feel the fiercely supportive energy emanating from her. The other 2 are more traditional interpretations of Mary. They were all on the ground by the garbage and I was not going to let them end up as trash! I brought them upstairs and hung 2 in my living room in the Travel & Helpful People Gua of my home! The small traditional Mary I hung next to the front door protecting my mouth of Chi. The Our Lady of Guadalupe I placed in the living room area for all to see! The energy shift was palpable.


The larger traditional Mary I placed in my bedroom Closet aka my Skills and Knowledge Gua blessing all my clothes with her arms outstretched!

I have to admit I forgot that I put one of the Mary’s in the closet and when I went in there the following day, I was startled and delighted to find her there! I felt so much love from her outstretched arms. I realized she was symbolically there to help usher in this next chapter of my practice where my Feng Shui Meets My Fashion. She came with back up and on the full moon which happened to be in my 10th house of career. She really delivered on her promise to help me navigate aspects of my life that were holding me back from my true purpose. When she saw that I delivered on my promise to follow through with her direction to focus on Feng Shui, she came to see me and live with and support me in an even more tangible way. I know this could sound like magical thinking because I have a discerning mind and nature. I also believe embracing magic and mystery in our lives requires some suspension of disbelief. Mary knows me well enough to know what “signs” and “symbol’s” it would take to convince me. She also knows timing is everything and her timing was and is impeccable.

Each of these pieces of art from Nefertiti & Akhenaten, to the 3 Mary’s came to me after introducing themselves during Shamanic Sacred experiences and showing up essentially at my doorstep. You can’t make this stuff up! That’s why it’s so cool and has given me such hope. From a Feng Shui perspective, the art depicted in our homes and on our walls becomes our story. I always recommend my clients choose wisely to curate their ideal personal narrative. Sometimes it chooses you like in my case and that is truly a gift of divine intervention! Blessings Everyone & Ciao for now!

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Laura’s Substack ~ Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion!
Laura’s Substack ~ Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion! Podcast
A place for Home & Wardrobe Inspiration. I’m a certified Feng Shui Practitioner, Curator and Stylist for you and your Space. If I was a TV show it would be a cross between the Zen of Marie Kondo and the Chic of Rachel Zoe.