Laura’s Substack ~ Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion!
Laura’s Substack ~ Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion! Podcast
Read The Room…

Read The Room…

Podcast Episode 5 of "Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion"

Hello & Welcome back to “Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion”! Podcast Episode 5. A place for Home & Wardrobe Inspiration. My name is Laura and I’m a certified Feng Shui Practitioner, Curator and Stylist for you and your Space. If this was a TV show it would be a cross between the Zen of Marie Kondo and the Chic of Rachel Zoe. This hybrid Podcast & Newsletter originates on Substack where you can follow and subscribe for all the visuals, text and Video. My stories are told in part through pictures and visuals in the body of the stories here on Substack. So if you’re listening on Spotify or Apple subscribe for free on Substack. For all my other content and services check out my Link-tree.

This Episode is called Read The Room. Is It Repelling or Inviting? In my last episode I talked about Bedding and specifically curating outfits for your bed with intention. We have all heard the term “Dress For Success.” In the same vein, we can dress our beds for rest and romance.

I told you about and showed you all my Bed’s Outfits and how I was awaiting an entirely new Motif! Today I’m reporting back about my brand new Celestial themed Sun & Moon Duvet set. It’s Chic “AF”. I’m obsessed 🤩. It’s giving me high end Palm Springs Mid Century Modern hotel suite vibes. It feels sexy and luxurious to me. The Golden burnt orange and cream hues are both stimulating and grounding. The bold Sun and Moon print is a complete departure from my floral’s and it’s giving me life! My golden moon cycle feature over my bed along with my artwork depicting a sun and moon labyrinth beside the bed all tie in beautifully. I could not be more pleased. There’s a clear theme that speaks to partnership and a balance of masculine and feminine. It also feels rich! I should mention that my bedroom includes what’s known in Feng Shui as the Prosperity Gua and energetic center for abundance so I definitely want to nurture that energy. In my bedroom, I actually have 3 Guas or energetic centers represented in my bedroom. By the way Guas are Energetic Areas of your home that are included in what’s called The Bagua Map and there are nine of them. In my bedroom, I have the Family Gua which I mentioned in the last episode, the Prosperity Gua and my closet where all my clothes live is in the Skills & Knowledge gua. Talk about foreshadowing my Fashion Feng Shui®️ journey.



I specifically wanted to find a duvet cover that would not be emasculating to a man who didn’t care for frilly girly bedding but would still reflect my aesthetic. I think I nailed it! Whatever your communicating with your bed is either an invitation to a potential partner or a red flag. Same intent applies for a current partner! You should both feel at home in the bed.


I want to share an example of what I consider to be a red flag and quite honestly you should too. Some years back, I went on a date with a very handsome and talented musician. He was hot!!! I love artists of all kinds. People with an aesthetic world view very much appeal to me. He was charming and expressed great interest in me. On our very first date we met for drinks and then went to a music club where he played. We were getting along famously and I thought wow this is going great! At some point during the evening he wanted to stop by his apartment to grab his instrument and he insisted it was walking distance from the club we were at, so I agreed. Please note this man knew I was Feng Shui consultant and should have had some idea that I would be reading his space with a more keen eye than your average bird. As we approached his building, I noticed it was one of those 70’s stucco structures with little or no character. He was a struggling musician so no bigy. What matters is what’s inside right? Well inside was a twin mattress on the floor in the center of the apartment and almost nothing else. His first story apartment had a sad view of the parking lot. Everything was grey or beige. Zero charm not even a piece of art or a book or a plant to give the space some life, some hope. It looked like the kind of space a serial killer or assassin might live. It was dingy and gross and he should have never brought me there. At least not on the first date. I immediately lost all interest and knew it was time to leave. I found the twin mattress on the floor with no other seating options super creepy. By the way nothing screams single and not ready to mingle more than a twin mattress! These are for children not grown men. No place to sit or entertain? Seriously? Offensive and presumptuous. These things are not trivial. It spells out a very specific narrative. It starts with the bed being just for one and continues from there to get worse and worse. There was not one redeeming feature and believe me I looked. Yes it’s a cautionary tale but one we can all learn from. Had he had at least a futon to sit on and even the smallest bit of charm like a record player or something, perhaps I could have looked past the dingy stripped mattress and helped him up his game. The bar was just too low and he had set it. So I left and never saw him again.

We can’t just think about what we like if we are trying to attract a partner. We have to consider what our ideal partner might like. For this reason I have 2 matching night stands and on the one on “his” side, I have a glass that says monsieur and on my side one that says madame. God is in the details….

Speaking of night stands, my floating ones I mentioned in my last episode just arrived at the same time as the bedding! Upgrade! In Feng Shui, 2 matching night stands represent balanced relationships. Whether you are single or not, they reflect that you have made space for a partner and that you are generous in relationships romantic or otherwise. These are sleek with white shelving and gold hardware that works with the pallet of the room. They allow for more floor space and are wonderful options for people with space limitations. In my case, I really love the design and how you can adjust the height of them to your liking since they are floating so to speak. I have a 17 inch pillow top mattress so most night stands are too low. This was my solution and one that can potentially inspire some of you! I hope you take away from this story that just as we might dress for the job we desire, we decorate for the life and the partners we desire. Cheers Everyone.🥂 & Ciao for now!



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Laura’s Substack ~ Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion!
Laura’s Substack ~ Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion! Podcast
A place for Home & Wardrobe Inspiration. I’m a certified Feng Shui Practitioner, Curator and Stylist for you and your Space. If I was a TV show it would be a cross between the Zen of Marie Kondo and the Chic of Rachel Zoe.