Laura’s Substack ~ Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion!
Laura’s Substack ~ Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion! Podcast
Feng Shui & Divine Timing!

Feng Shui & Divine Timing!

Podcast Episode 7 ~ Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion

Hello & Welcome back to “Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion”! Podcast Episode 7. A place for Home & Wardrobe Inspiration. My name is Laura and I’m a certified Feng Shui Practitioner, Curator and Stylist for you and your Space. If this was a TV show it would be a cross between the Zen of Marie Kondo and the Chic of Rachel Zoe. This hybrid Podcast & Newsletter originates on Substack where you can follow and subscribe for all the visuals, text and Video. My stories about Feng Shui & Fashion are told in part through pictures and visuals in the body of my newsletters here on Substack. So if you’re listening on Spotify or ITunes, subscribe for free on Substack. For all my other content and services check out my Link-tree.

Timing is everything and August promises to be a month filled with all the Astrological signatures of Divine Timing & Intervention so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to introduce how Astrology & Feng Shui are complementary tools.

In Feng Shui we have 3 Kinds of Luck that we work with and each represents 33.3% of our cumulative luck. The good news is that 2 out of three or 66.6% of our good fortune we actually have agency over!


The first kind of luck is referred to as Spiritual or Divine luck. Some refer to it as divine timing or destiny. This kind of luck we don’t have agency over but we do have a tool to gage it and that is (Astrology) which helps us determine when our most fortunate times to implement things might be. Listen folks, I’m an Astrology enthusiast and student but not an expert. I do however pay strong attention to the trends because they influence us and since this is such an astrologically pivotal month, I’m going to share this month’s highlights for you to consider. We have a plethora of astrological activity starting with a new moon in Leo on 8/4/24; what’s a new trend starting for you here? Mercury the planet of communication and technology goes Retrograde from 8/5/24 to 8/28/24; what old projects, friends, ideas and trends are returning to your consciousness? Then we have the Lions-gate Portal on 8/8/24, what new aspect of yourself and your life is completely transforming? And finally the full “blue” moon on 8/19/24 when something comes to a dramatic culmination, what’s that look like for you? The whole month we will be navigating the retrograde! This will color everything from our communication, to technology creating a need to double check, reassess, and refine everything. Sounds like fun right?! That’s my synopsis for August but believe me there’s way more, these are just the highlights. Now on to the other kinds of luck we work with in Feng Shui.


Human Luck is the next and second kind of luck we talk about in Feng Shui. It is essentially our Attitude or Energy and our Intention and Attention. This kind of luck we absolutely have agency over however, many of us struggle with maintaining and cultivating a positive attitude and directing our energy towards productive things. It helps to ponder on what our desired outcome is and how we want to feel as a result. Meditation, journaling, studying the law of attraction and folks like Esther Hicks, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and Developmental Biologist Bruce Lipton can really help with tools for upgrading our attitudes and what we give our attention to.


The 3rd and final kind of luck we talk about in Feng Shui is Earthly Luck! My favorite because it is everything we can physically do that is actionable and specifically refers to Feng Shui. So everything from feng shui cures, adjustments and actions you take physically in the world towards your goals is Earthly Luck! Earthly Luck also includes all kinds of actions we take in the physical world towards our goals like classes, exercise, networking, meditation, Feng Shui etc. So the 3 kinds of luck are Spiritual, Human and Earthly! If you cultivate all three of these, then you have your best shot at living your best life.


I think of Feng Shui in terms of energetic farming. Creating a supportive setting at home is like tending to your garden. For example, if you want to invite love into your life, you have to make physical room for it. Perhaps you clear out some space in your closet for that special someone you haven’t met yet. That said, making room for love doesn’t guarantee that the love of your life will enter your life immediately upon these changes. What it does do is plant the seed for that love to enter and confirm your participation and collaboration with the universe. It’s your invitation for love to enter. Astrology helps us to know when to plant the seeds and when we might anticipate their blooms. While we can’t control exactly when things will bloom, we can definitely control whether or not we plant and cultivate our energetic garden! If you don’t plant the seeds and care and nurture them, then you can’t expect anything to bloom. But if you are planting and cultivating you can have confidence in that your dreams will one day come true in divine time. Some things take longer than others and require more care while others come to fruition right away.

In the words of Roman Philosopher Seneca, “Luck is where preparation meets opportunity.” I believe Feng Shui is both the preparation and the invitation for your good fortune. A Mercury Retrograde all month, is an invitation from the Universe to revisit old projects, refine and edit our work and even reconnect with people from our past. From a Feng Shui perspective, it’s a great time reorganize our space and see what could be improved. It’s a time to complete old house projects and fix things around the house. It’s a great opportunity to Feng Shui our homes and closets! If you want my help visit my Link-tree. Blessings Everyone & Ciao for now!

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Laura’s Substack ~ Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion!
Laura’s Substack ~ Where Feng Shui Meets Fashion! Podcast
A place for Home & Wardrobe Inspiration. I’m a certified Feng Shui Practitioner, Curator and Stylist for you and your Space. If I was a TV show it would be a cross between the Zen of Marie Kondo and the Chic of Rachel Zoe.